Karol i Polish(ed) Woodworking na DiD.
Z góry uprzedzę pytania… Tak Karol tworzy nagrania w języku angielskim i opisy będą również w tym języku. Myślę jednak, że obraz wart jest tysiąca słów i z samego filmu można bardzo wiele wywnioskować, nawet mimo bariery językowej. Trzymamy kciuki Karol i czekamy na kolejne prace!
This is my submission for the 2014 Christmas Ornament Challenge hosted by Carl Jacobson and Alan Stratton.
Did he really just eat raw chicken?
I’m speechless#WeWantTaylorPhelanBACK
I love ur videos I hope I will be as good as u someday.This helped me so much!!!!!
Nice ornament Karol! Good idea with the hacksaw blade. I like how you added the line on the base. Good luck!
Tu gère mec 🙂
I appreciate the additional description of Melting Icicle. I also appreciate that is is only your third turning.Welcome to the Christmas Ornament Woodturning Challenge.Alan Stratton
Hi Karol! Very nice work! Happy holidays! Daniel
Ja także trzymam kciuki,tylko …..
nie kumam co mówi-wiem ! trzeba się było uczyć !
Dzięki Krzyś, następny film będzie w dwóch wersjach, jeden po angielsku i jeden po polsku.
Pewnie pojawi się w przyszłym tygodniu, zdradzę tylko, że głównym narzędziem jakiego będę używał to wyrzynarka włosowa.
Excellent job! and a large congratulation for the new lathe and new hobby! you will have a lifetime of joy from it, I promise! great entry, and good luck!
Great ornament Karol! I turned out great, I really like the idea of the melting icicle 🙂
Superbe travail, bravo à vous.
Wow ! That is a sweet piece.
Very nice Karo, thank you for entering the challenge. I really think your’re going to like turning, your’re off to a great start
watch my cover
And the 4th guy ran away with his tail between his legs.
Congratulations on your new lathe AND for this beautiful piece !!!I wouldn’d have guessed it was your third turned piece.And the stand with the wire was a great addition to the whole project.Have a ot of fun with your lathe !!!Merry Christmas !!!Take care,Morgan
In Britain I’ve seen hostess twinkies literally EVERYWHERE
Your parents must be proud of you you’re looking for a guy with swag go live in a dumpster
Looks good Karol, Will be looking to get a lathe myself sometime. Have a great Christmas
nice job Karol. I think the name of that tool is a European Roughing Fauge